Woo-hoo! Only two days after getting this blog started, and I'm actually posting! See what happens when you don't waste time with that housecleaning nonsense?
This is not a replacement for the
cabin site; it's just a replacement for future
newsletter updates. For some reason, the page started pulling all kinds of funny stuff when I tried to update it. The text I'd just typed would vanish when I tried to start a new paragraph, and photos vanished whenever they felt like it. The type was still there, as were the pictures; I just couldn't
see anything. Drove me a bit bonkers.
With marbles and sanity too sparse to deal with such pranks, I decided to move the newsletter to a blog, since that seems to be the rage these days. And here we are!
SO... since the last update, we've found ourselves in
another new month! It's hard to tell, though, since we've had rain for what seems like 7 months. No complaints, though, as
we are officially out of the drought, according to the
drought folks and would like to stay that way. On the other hand, we'll need flippers before long.
Randy's been working on 'Angel Mountain Park' below the goldfish pond, and it's looking right spiffy (see bench above!). If it would stop raining, I might be able to get some decent pictures, but I can vouch that it will be nice back there. Our next big (cabin) project will be a real trail from the cabin so cabineers can get to it more easily. Matthew will be home for a brief respite from his new coaching duties and will be delighted to put his old football muscles to use, I'm sure.
Things are bloomin' around here! Most of them are probably weeds, but as long as they look nice, it's fine by me. If Katie would come home, you'd have some impressive pictures of them; as it is, she's been flitting from Cape Hatteras (photo class) to Charleston (friend visit) to moving into a little house with a good friend/fellow photo major to puppy-sitting (for a WEEK!) to starting a new job next week. Okay, so maybe she does have a few legit excuses for not gracing us with her presence.
We found another of Kali's $$$ orange balls (but don't tell her)! Only 4 more to go....

I'm sure there's more to report, but my brain fuzz is waterlogged....
Cheers -
Helen (Mountainbilly Mama)