That means our daughter Katie turns 20 tomorrow. The end of the teens in the family. It would be a sad day if I had time to think about it. Thank goodness I don't.
All's fine here in the mountains. Randy reports back for teaching duties on top of football tomorrow, which means our summer 'break' has ended officially. Actually, I'm still waiting for it to begin officially. Coming home from practice/scrimmage/meeting at 1am and heading back out at 5-5:30 am doesn't sound like much of a break to me. Party-pooper, I am.
The weather has continued to be impressive for summer! Not too hot, plenty of rain, plenty of opportunities for Kali to learn two new games with her $$$ orange rubber ball -
1) Drop It Down the Hill and Go Get It (and Hope It Doesn't Go Under the New Steps Daddy Just Built), and
2) Drop It in the Pond and Go Get It... After It Magically Floats Out Just Enough to Warrant a SWIM.
With either one, R-E-P-E-A-T is a given.
Ahhhh... summer vacation.
For the hairballs, anyway.