Since then, my brain has been on vacation, if not the rest of me, as I have attempted to get squared away again in the world of technology. To say I've had fun would be overstating it jest a tad, and if you want a sampling of what that means, you can catch up a little here.
I believe the basic computer stuff is back in business, and I'm hoping that means my brain has come out of hibernation or wherever the heck it's been lately. It hasn't been on the premises.
While I've been 'away,' almost a month has passed, and football has started in earnest for Randy (coach) and Matthew (now a coach, too!). I-N-S-A-N-I-T-Y.
Football - with just a few letters whacked - is fall, though, and it's definitely looking and feeling like fall here. Leaves have been dropping off some trees, changing colors on others, and after a particularly mild summer, the temperatures are... well, you just have to BE here to appreciate them!
Take a break from your own looney bin and head to the cabin!
Emma will welcome you with unbridled energy. Well, okay, she'll sit by the sign on occasion.
Sit in the swing with Sami... if you dare.
If you look at Kali just right ( i.e., at all), she'll let you throw her ball.
We look forward to seeing you!