Thursday, October 21, 2010

October/Fall, Football, and Angel Kali

Woo hoo - it's just the 21st day of the month, and I'm already posting! It's a miracle.

October, which is fall, has blown by - literally - and taken many of our spectacular leaves with it. It's still gorgeous, but there are considerably more nekkid trees than there were a few days ago.

All is takes is a big WHOOSH(!) or two, and you can see farther, which isn't a bad deal, either.

It has been quite insane around here the past few months, thanks to football. Randy was hired in the spring of last year to straighten out a former-powerhouse high school football program. He in turn hired Matthew to handle the defense while he's tackled (pun - ha) offense. The challenges have been hurled their way from all directions since the beginning, but as the last two games ended in thrilling victory (in the final 94 and 1.8 seconds!), at least some of the stadium coaches will surely be shut up. Surely.

Meanwhile, it has been indescribably gorgeous here since September 1, when the unusual heat of the summer was booted out the door. Between the blue skies, green grass, and stunning colors in between, this continues to be proof that we're mighty close to heaven here.

On a sad note... on a gloriously gorgeous day (Saturday, October 16, just before noon), our spunky Kali earned her wings at 13-1/2 years... though she was a pup at heart until the end.

We were blessed with her presence in May, 2008, when Katie reported that a good college friend had found the 'sweetest dog who never barks' wandering around the stable where she worked. Katie, an RA at the time, was in a slight pickle; the semester was up, students were moving out, and RAs were scrambling with their year-end duties. Oh, yeah, and RAs really weren't supposed to have dogs in their rooms.

'Marmalade' was found with no collar. Katie & Co. drove her around nearby neighborhoods and posted signs, but no one claimed her before desperation set in (i.e., "Puh-LEEEZE, Mom, can you come get her until we find a home so we don't have to take her to the pound? PUH-LEEEEEEZE???").

Being the sucker, er, conscientious mother I am, I drove the trusty '88 Camry wagon (aka Cow Chasermobile) to Katie's college and brought 'Marmalade' back... by way of Arby's. She was hooked, and so was I, mostly because she reminded me so much of our last angel dog, Nellie.

'Marmalade's' real family found out within days that we had her and made the two-hour drive, fully prepared to take her back home. However, when they saw her new surroundings - lots of rural romping room and a POND! - and how much she loved it here (the POND!), they did something we couldn't believe. They decided to go home without Kali, whom they'd had for 11 years. I don't know how they did it, but we're glad they put her heart above their own, as she was a joy to have around.

She's now romping with a few other new furry angels, and I trust that all those $$$$$ orange rubber balls she buried will be surfacing before long....

Happy fall to all!