I'm sure it's been here the whole time, but I apparently blinked.
Oh, yeah, and then there was this:

Katie and her daddy, getting ready to hand her over. Sorta.
Katie and her husband! (FYI, his name is Paul, and we're crazy about him!)
(from photo by Katie's cousin, Bethany)
The big day took place on
Kiawah Island last Tuesday, in between Paul's grad classes (seriously - he turned in work on Monday, got married on Tuesday, and presented his final project on Wednesday). Paul's dad forced us out-of-towners to stay in fantastic houses, one on the beach and one on a lagoon... with alligators!

(courtesy of brother Paul)
It was rough (cough, cough).
Alas, the return to the real world came in spite of our wishes, and I don't mean a return to the cool mountains, either. I mean a return to the hot field house for grunge duty. Yippee.
Oh, well, I'm enjoying pictures, and brother Paul (not to be confused with groom Paul) had a brilliant idea of hanging a camera around the neck of the officiant, groom Paul's best friend. You can see the critter cam
here and a composite video of the critter cam and his daughter Bethany's video
here. Fun, fun, fun!
* * * * *
And then there's this:
This sweetie showed up on our doorstep as we were in high pre-wedding mode, her bones begging for food and a bit of TLC. She's getting both, of course, from all but Sami, who has mastered hissing and introduced her 'cougar' act to our cabineers here in our wedding absence. Sami's 13 and not ready to relinquish her spot as House Cat, reminding everyone in her path on a regular basis.
Yep, back to the real world.
I learned the cat came from a neighbor's girlfriend whose dad said NO WAY to keeping a cat, so the neighbor said, "We'll take it," and then their black cat terrorized the daddy-said-no cat, and she/he was forced to find safety on our porch. Meet The Suckers.
I'm trying to learn if said sweetie is available for adoption and will report....
You do know where to come, don't you?