A few years ago, we were blessed with temps in the mid teens for three nights during the early days of May. Needless to say, I'd already splurged on hanging baskets and plants for the flower bed. Oops.
No matter, it's MAY again, and that always feels good.
Things have been hopping around here! We've been clearing brush by the ponds, no doubt stunned by the sudden attention. As almost everything possessed a healthy supply of thorns, it's been fun.
And we've been burning the fruits of our labors. Literally. Some day we may finish....
Proof of spring:

Oh, wait. This was in Charleston, SC, when we visited Favorite Daughter Katie...
On a completely unrelated note, there is now a CD player in the cabin!
And on a sorta related note to that, the
Blue Ridge Dinner Theater opens its doors (at the site of the former Mountain Music Jamboree) on May 21! The web site is still under construction, but the dinner theater looks promising as another fantastic reason to come to Ashe. Hint, hint :)
Happy May to all....