Thursday, May 10, 2012

News bulletin!

Lots going on around here!

The cabin site has been completely overhauled, thanks to Favorite Daughter Katie's insistence and her willingness to get things set up. She offered some fantastic suggestions and held my hand virtually the whole way. It looks great!!! You can take a peek at (same as before).

We're proud new beekeepers!!! We've had two hives in place for three weeks, and the bee kids seem to be thriving. If you don't know anything about honey bees, you're in for a treat! We've had visiting bees every year, but it's not nearly the same as having your own :)

The transport boxes full of NOISY bees, set down beside their new homes to let the new kids scope things out for a little while before the transfer to their new home (i.e., while we could get our bee-working garb on).

Bee Daddy and his smoker to calm the bees down before the transfer.

Bee Daddy, looking official, making the move. So far, so good!

The bees didn't waste any time finding pollen (the yellow sacs on their back legs).

Rearranging some of the frames earlier this week. These guys, er, gals, have been BUSY!!!

They've been so busy, in fact, that some of their cells were attached to adjoining frames; when the frames were separated, the cells split open to reveal honey! Woo hoo!

It has been fascinating to watch the bees in action. It would be nice to have a way to watch them at work inside, and thanks to The Honey Hole in West Jefferson, that's possible with their new observation hive! You'll have to check it out and their cute shop while you're here :)

Meanwhile, happy May!