The biggest change around here since the last update is that our fine Sami opted in February not to hang around three more weeks for her 19th birthday on St. Patrick's Day. She was rarely pleasant (I have plenty of scars to prove that's an understatement), but still... 19 years is a long time, and bidding farewell resulted in the usual puddly mess. Honey moped for several days. She and Sami had come to an agreement shortly after we brought Honey home - Sami bared her fangs and claws while executing her ferocious hiss, and Honey wisely paid attention. Honey and the granddogs did covet any leftover cat food crumbs, though, and those have been sorely missed. It is reassuring to picture Sami romping with all the other family furballs, some of whom she may have even liked a little. Just don't tell anyone.
Sami's happy face :)
The eyes have it...
Sunnin' buddies
Not complaining too loudly about a snugglin' session..
Honey waiting patiently for Sami to wake up and play :)
Reminding Kali (also an angel) who's the boss of her, tho she would have likely claimed she was just putting a few of Kali's hairs back into place. Yeah, right.
A favorite! We inherited Maggie as a spunky 12-year old when she insisted she be freed from her nuisance puppy sister. She and Sami, a fellow senior, bonded immediately and enjoyed walking with us up the mountain :)

In other news, our grandbaby, Clara, has already morphed into a toddler! She's zipping all over, keeping Grandmama toddling right behind her. Maybe Grandmama will toddle some pounds off.
We've managed to replace the slats in two park benches around here (on top of the mountain and at the small pond) and break another bench, so I guess that means we've taken care of three so far! Only a bunch left to go.
Hope everyone has a terrific spring! And summer, if I don't get back here before then. Better add winter, too, just in case....
See you sometime!