Talk about a fast-forward summer! School here starts in 11 days, so I'm sure there are a lot of big and little happy school folks around here.
We continue to enjoy summertime temperatures in the low to mid 70s. Low 80s if it's a hot day. Sorry, all you folks with the 100+ temps (really sorry, as we've been there, done that). You should come see us!
Meanwhile, Randy has been using his time wisely during his summer break, which will make full-time football seem like a vacation. Besides replacing the rock work in front of the cabin steps, he finished the steps from the cabin yard as Phase 1 of the trail-from-the-cabin-to-the-pond project. He had a little help from me (little being the key word here) and Kali.
As football has been only part-time this summer, the coach went into overdrive with fixing the little spring creek by the pond, continuing to spruce up the new little waterfall/park area,

painting the storeroom, and working on getting the painting finished on the house. As usual, it's considerably more tedious than previously thought, but at least it's stopped looking like the painters skipped town.

painting the storeroom, and working on getting the painting finished on the house. As usual, it's considerably more tedious than previously thought, but at least it's stopped looking like the painters skipped town.
Matthew's been home for a week from his summer football coaching duties (courtesy of the head coach's daughter's wedding), and he has entertained us with FOUR movies so far on the TV he bought for his own graduation present. It's like going to the movie theater, but we can look like slobs, start and stop it whenever we want, don't have to deal with sticky floors and grungy seats, and don't have to pay! Well, okay, maybe it's not so much like going to the movie theater, but it's been great fun to actually SEE a movie again! Been a long time.
Katie returns from a packed week with a friend, with whom she visited Boston and New York City. She promises she took lots of pictures!
Randy (there he is again) mowed on the mountain top and came back with a bag of the first harvest of blackberries! Woo-hoo!

Speaking of Randy, he may be taking a nap right now in the recliner.
Now THAT I can join in on....