Saturday, March 16, 2013

Still Here, Part 3,351

What happened to January, February, and half of March?!?!?

No matter, we're still here. After a few weeks of official winter weather (snow, ice, frigid temps, WIND, snow, ice, frigid temps, WIND), we are happy to report that we are apparently in line for the arrival of spring after all. It hasn't been the hardest winter, although the working half of this fine duo has had to second-guess Mother Nature's intentions on a number of occasions, hoping he wasn't stuck down the mountain (where he teaches and coaches) when he could have been stuck here.

Alas, we may survive and be down to just the insanity of baseball. And the bees! They're enjoying the spring teasers, too, escaping their VERY cozy winter set-up, courtesy of Bee Daddy.

The winter hibernation special ends March 31... that's just 15 days!!! Seriously, how'd that happen? Stay tuned to some new developments for the cabin!

Meanwhile, happy almost-spring!