Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas, Slightly Belated Edition

(I just found this in Drafts. Sheesh.)

Big Emma (somewhere under the Santa hat on the left) and her 3-day company, Maggie, both hoping they've been good 'nuf this year for something yummy.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


November ended with very mild temperatures and lots of rain with lightning for special effects. Emma and Sami were not amused.

Today is cold, windy, and sunny, with snow flurries zooming past the window. Emma and Sami are not amused yet.

But they're probably more amused than they'll be if we see this again:

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Yep! Instead of paying bills or cleaning or hopping aboard the treadmill, I fixed a Facebook page for the cabin!

Just took three days (or was it four?), but who's counting?

Hopefully, I'll figure out how to get the Facebook badge on the sidebar without much drama.

(That would be boring... and highly unusual.)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

October/Fall, Football, and Angel Kali

Woo hoo - it's just the 21st day of the month, and I'm already posting! It's a miracle.

October, which is fall, has blown by - literally - and taken many of our spectacular leaves with it. It's still gorgeous, but there are considerably more nekkid trees than there were a few days ago.

All is takes is a big WHOOSH(!) or two, and you can see farther, which isn't a bad deal, either.

It has been quite insane around here the past few months, thanks to football. Randy was hired in the spring of last year to straighten out a former-powerhouse high school football program. He in turn hired Matthew to handle the defense while he's tackled (pun - ha) offense. The challenges have been hurled their way from all directions since the beginning, but as the last two games ended in thrilling victory (in the final 94 and 1.8 seconds!), at least some of the stadium coaches will surely be shut up. Surely.

Meanwhile, it has been indescribably gorgeous here since September 1, when the unusual heat of the summer was booted out the door. Between the blue skies, green grass, and stunning colors in between, this continues to be proof that we're mighty close to heaven here.

On a sad note... on a gloriously gorgeous day (Saturday, October 16, just before noon), our spunky Kali earned her wings at 13-1/2 years... though she was a pup at heart until the end.

We were blessed with her presence in May, 2008, when Katie reported that a good college friend had found the 'sweetest dog who never barks' wandering around the stable where she worked. Katie, an RA at the time, was in a slight pickle; the semester was up, students were moving out, and RAs were scrambling with their year-end duties. Oh, yeah, and RAs really weren't supposed to have dogs in their rooms.

'Marmalade' was found with no collar. Katie & Co. drove her around nearby neighborhoods and posted signs, but no one claimed her before desperation set in (i.e., "Puh-LEEEZE, Mom, can you come get her until we find a home so we don't have to take her to the pound? PUH-LEEEEEEZE???").

Being the sucker, er, conscientious mother I am, I drove the trusty '88 Camry wagon (aka Cow Chasermobile) to Katie's college and brought 'Marmalade' back... by way of Arby's. She was hooked, and so was I, mostly because she reminded me so much of our last angel dog, Nellie.

'Marmalade's' real family found out within days that we had her and made the two-hour drive, fully prepared to take her back home. However, when they saw her new surroundings - lots of rural romping room and a POND! - and how much she loved it here (the POND!), they did something we couldn't believe. They decided to go home without Kali, whom they'd had for 11 years. I don't know how they did it, but we're glad they put her heart above their own, as she was a joy to have around.

She's now romping with a few other new furry angels, and I trust that all those $$$$$ orange rubber balls she buried will be surfacing before long....

Happy fall to all!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

And So Long, September... and Summer!


It's definitely fall here, which I guess is to be expected, seein' as how tomorrow is OCTOBER.


Football has kept us at the top of the looney bin heap, so I'm taking the easy way out again with pictures.

Enjoy, and happy FALL!!!

Anyone know what this is? We have ONE of them.

Sami really did not do a lick of yard work.

Had cow retrieval duty again. Just bein' neighborly.

The Emma Position

Sweet dreams, Kali :)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

So Long, August...

I must have blinked. August is almost over!!!

Because I'm speechless, I'll stick a few pictures up and call it a day, er, month....

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

June Done Busted Up All Over...

... and July's about halfway finished doin' the same.

Zoom, zoom.

Football's in full swing for Randy and Matthew, and school will be starting here in our 'home' county soon (not where Randy and Matthew are because that would be too easy), so it feels like summer's about over. So much for sending a summer update luring you to Angel Mountain :)

Since I'm supposed to be doing something productive, like rolling pennies, I'm letting some of our recent cabineers take the reins....

We have come to the mountains of NC many times. This trip, however, will stand out as a new beginning. We are at a crossroads in our lives and this quaint, charming cabin has brought much peace and clarity. Thank you, Helen and Randy, for sharing Angel Cabin. It is a part of your soul and is now a part of ours. Thank you so much for allowing this magical place to be the landmark on the road to a whole new life for us. Much love.... LaDean & Terry

One of the great things to see... right here at the cabin... is the night sky! I brought my telescope and set up right between the two ponds. As far as I could tell, the sky was about as dark and clear as anywhere in NC, except perhaps on or right near the outer banks! The Milky Way when it rose was rich in stars; Saturn was magnificent (steady skies helped); I could even see some fairly faint galaxies and nebulae in my small refractor (M81 & M82... the Owl Nebula & M106). Definitely worth seeing... and if you don't have a telescope bring binoculars or just sit down at the pond at night with the frogs and watch the fireflies!!! Very magical! Robert

We had a great time in this beautiful area. From driving on the Blue Ridge to the West Jefferson Gallery Crawl, this weekend was a fantastic getaway. It was fantastic to have such a cozy place to come back to when we just wanted to stay in and relax. Thanks for the great vacation! Matthew and Ashley

Absolute, total, complete relaxation - reached! What a delightful place to spend time. From the earth we walked on to the heavens we watched. Gary and Beth

From the chipmunks in the backyard, the deer in the driveway one early morn, and to all the special little things that you have done to make our first stay in the cabin special, we thank you. We have been amazed at the well-stocked movies, books, and all the other things that one may need while here. Ronnie wanted to fish in the pond but after becoming friends with the catfish, he just couldn't. I will keep in touch and maybe again next year we can come back. Thank you. Karen and Ronnie

Hay, Ron, jes' put that fishin' thang down nice an' easee, toss a littul chow this way (grab sum fer yurself), an' me an' yoo kin be BFF. 'K?

And there you go - experts in the field of R&R&R (rest, relaxation, and reporting). Visit the Scrapbook section of the official Angel Mountain Cabin web site for more objective reasons to head this way for a brief respite from the reel, er, real world!

Friday, June 18, 2010


Kali, rollin'

Sami, (interrupted) snoozin'

Emma, bummin'

Babies, starvin'

Baby, dreamin'

Aaahhhh... summertime.

Come enjoy some of it at Angel Mountain Cabin! Hiking, canoeing, snoozing, foot-stomping, and so much more!!!

In addition, the BackStreet Park Summer Concert series is back in downtown West Jefferson, treating locals and tourists to traditional mountain music.

Official scoop about the BackStreet Park Summer Concert series:

The concerts are held the third and fourth Fridays of the month, May through September, 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the BackStreet Park behind the bustling downtown district.

Upcoming acts this summer include the Surefire Bluegrass Band on June 25; Amantha Mill July 16; the Appalachian Mountain Girls on Aug. 20; Crooked Road Ramblers on Aug. 27; Sassafras on Sept. 17 and Irish Temperance on Sept. 24.

On July 23, Bluegrass lovers will rejoice at the “A Taste of the 40th Annual Bluegrass and Old Time Fiddlers Convention,” which is a prelude to this year’s convention at Ashe County Park Aug. 6-7.

Admission to Summer Concert Series is free of charge.

Enjoy hamburgers and hotdogs at the Ashe County Farmers Market on the Backstreet during the 4th Friday concert evenings

Hope to see you soon!

Monday, June 14, 2010

At Least June Is a Short Month

When I last posted, I shared a bit of our May Madness. May was full of happy events; it was just overflowing, period. And I was glad to flip the calendar to June.

And here's a taste of the first part of June for the mountainbillies:

June 1:
6am - Randy went to school complaining of a pulled muscle from sneezing hard and frequently, thanks to the worst pollen in years.

4:30pm - Randy came home, complaining a bit more loudly about the pulled muscle.

6pm - Randy took two ibuprofen. We ate dinner.

10pm - Randy took two more ibuprofen. He never takes ibuprofen, and he had 4 in 4 hours.

10:15pm - Randy grabbed the rocker in sudden, excruciating agony that made me nauseous. In between grimaces and a sort of howling, I somehow got that he was having a muscle spasm from #@$& from his back (mid-low) all the way up to his neck. I informed him we were going to the ER.

10:16pm - As Matthew led Randy to the truck (because it was easier for him to climb into than the trusty '88 Camry low rider), Matthew commented, "A bird just flew in the house." Joy. They left for the ER as I attempted to usher the bird out. After 2 minutes, I gave up trying to find the bird and headed to the ER.

11:15pm - We went back to a room, where eventually the ER doctor determined Randy's problem was musculoskeletal. He was explaining how Randy could address the pain when he left to look at the urine specimen. He returned with a report that there was a tiny bit of blood in the urine, so he needed to run a scan to see if Randy had - or had had - a kidney stone. Yippee.

June 2:
2:15am - The scan had been done and sent to ARIZONA to be read. Yes, ARIZONA. The wait was long, and we began dozing. Miraculously, I did not fall out of the chair. The doctor returned with the news that Randy's kidneys were fine, with no evidence of a stone, past (or passed!) or present. However, there was 'something' at the base of his left lung. Randy needed another scan, with dye, to see what was up with his lungs. Yippee again.

3:15am - Randy was wheeled up for the scan. I called Matthew, who had gone home long before (and found the bird back in her nest by the door, so thank goodness she found her way out) because I figured he'd be worried. He was sound asleep and thought we were already home.

5:45am - The doctor, looking pretty weary by now, came in to tell Randy the scan had been read in ARIZONA... and he had pulmonary embolism (Randy, not the doctor). Clots - CLOTS - in his lungs!!! Before we knew what hit, Randy was hit with a Lovenox injection and told he'd be admitted ASAP. Stunned, I called Matthew again so Randy could relay the list of school phone numbers to call.

June 3 - A Doppler on Randy's legs revealed a tiny DVT (clot) behind his right knee. A few years ago, he had a huge DVT behind his left knee. Blood was drawn to see if he has a genetic clotting disorder. Yippee.

June 4 - After 3 days in the hospital, we finally irritated our doctor's last nerves, and he allowed Randy to come home. He'd be giving himself injections for a few days and remembering to take Coumadin, but we were home!

June 5 & 6 - Blood tests at the ER lab.

June 7 - Our 36th anniversary! Randy returned to school (Matthew drove). Blood test at the doctor's office.

June 8 - Blood test at the doctor's office, then school.

June 9 - As Randy got closer to school, he felt a tightness in his back way too similar to the pain from the last week, so he asked someone at school to drive him to the ER near school. Matthew and I made the 60-mile trek and met him at the hospital. The tests checked out fine, and no one had a clue why he'd have pain. Maybe it was the pulled muscle from the sneezing.... It didn't stop us from indulging in a Chick-fil-A at the new spot in Wilkesboro.

June 10 - Blood test at the doctor's office, then a football meeting, then graduation at Randy's school at night.

June 11 - Blood test at the doctor's, then to football fundraiser golf tourney. Randy did not play, but he still sweated. Matthew would have played, but he took a player to UNC to a football combine. Received the first NOT A BILL from the hospital. Needed resuscitation.

June 14 - Summer football program starts!

June 15 - The middle of the month. Whew.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, the Blue Ridge Parkway is celebrating its 75th anniversary! We're just under 5 miles from the Parkway, so come to Angel Mountain Cabin and celebrate the Parkway... or something :)

We'll be celebrating getting this far in June....

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mountainbilly Insanity, May Edition

We're still here, believe it or not. In a mountainbilly nutshell, here are the highlights of May so far:

May 1 - Randy leaves early for his stint at prom decorating in the morning and chaperoning at night. A mere 160+ miles and 17 hours later, he drags home.

May 2 - We take a car (or two) to bring more loads from Katie and Matthew. Long drive/long day. News bulletin... not.

May 4 - Katie arrives home after finals, too tired to unload her packed car.

May 5 - Katie's car is emptied, and we are now turning sideways in our house.

May 7 - Katie returns to her college for graduation rehearsal and other activities.

May 8 - As we're preparing to zoom to Katie's college graduation, I notice a flat tire on the trusty '88 Camry wagon while I'm out on last-minute errands. That would be the buggy we're taking two hours away because our 'good' car (the 2001 Echo with 308,000+ miles) is still in the hit-by-a-deer ward at the vehicle hospital. Thanks to angel intervention and a couple of new tires, we make it in time to see our favorite daughter earn her degree in photography. Our favorite first-born, Matthew, earns his master's in education from a different college today as well, but he graciously opts out of his own ceremony in order to allow Katie to shine. Or so he says.

Happy graduates!

After graduation, brudder Paul and his wife, Jaymie, throw a humdinger of a fiesta celebration, as their favorite daughter, Bethany, graduated with Katie. After the party, Randy, Katie, and I stop by Matthew's apartment on the way home (2 hours away) to load up our cars with more stuff. We come home and crash... which beats the vice versa of that.

May 9 - Both 'kids' are home, albeit briefly, when Matthew arrives with the rest of his stuff. Happy Mother's Day for sure! We eat with Mom and have a great time. Chocolate is involved.

May 10 - Katie leaves for Charleston, SC, and not on a vacation, either. The girl is determined to get a job. And she will. The fact that she'll be closer to her boyfriend may or may not have had a slight bit of influence in her decision.

May 15 - My birthday. We won't mention which one, but it was good. Chocolate was involved.

May 17 - Spring football practice begins for Randy and Matthew, the defensive coordinator. Now if he can only get a teaching job to go with that....

May 18 - Jeffrey's 13th angel birthday! Wow. Chocolate is involved.

May 20 - Mow and weedeat by myself for most of nine hours. I will pay for it.

May 21 - Matthew leaves for a weekend visit with a friend, while Randy has fun gathering up large vinegar barrels for football practice.

May 22 - 245 miles later, Randy has collected enough barrels to make him a happy, if exhausted, camper.

May 23 - Katie emails early that she and Boyfriend Paul (as opposed to Uncle Paul) are on their way here to pick up more stuff, now that she's moved into an apartment. Boyfriend Paul's dog will be coming. Meanwhile, Matthew heads back home from his weekend trip. Randy and I scramble around, cleaning like crazy and running to the store for real food. We eat at Mom's and have a great time. Chocolate is involved. Don't get a thing accomplished on the Absolutely Must Do Today list, and the world doesn't collapse. Well, maybe it does, but it's not because of that. Bonus - the hairballs all get along just fine :) The two weary travelers make it back to Charleston.

May 24 - I start on prednisone to help combat a wicked case of poison whatever all over from my valiant yard work marathon four days ago. The dosage is substantial. Once again I mow the entire yard with my personal bubble mower (stopping briefly for rain), hike to the cabin to work, and dig up dirt in another flower bed for more planting. I am still going at 2:30am the following morning. Now I know what the Energizer Bunny is really on.

Throw in some bizarre behavior by Kali (on the verge of turning 13), a loose bird in the kitchen, switching the main blog (The Suite Life of Lucy and Ethel) to WordPress, etc., etc., etc., and it's been perhaps a tad nuttier than usual. Perhaps.

Which brings me to why I haven't updated this baby lately.

Let's just say the weather has been gorgeous, the flowers are blooming, and we had a bit of excitement this morning across the road.

Hope to see you at Angel Mountain! We promise not to stand too close to you in the event some of this lunacy may rub off. On the other hand, compared to the lunacy of the real world, you just might want to take your chances....

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring... REALLY!

Spring - it's REALLY here!!! So many things to do outside...

Work in the yard (or just snoop),

feed the catfish, most of whom thawed out,

count the goldfish/koi... and continue repeatedly - and a tiny bit less optimistically - every day to see if it's actually possible to have lost SIX of them from last year, and wonder what the heck is going on, and see that the three left are hangin' with the grass carp,

(Make that TWO goldfish, according to Randy's latest count, and this isn't one of them. Sob.)

pick up all the fallen limbs from three months of snow/ice/wind,

roll and pretend to have a pleasant personality (Sami's rolling on ROCK should give her away),

remember to keep your (malfunctioning) eyes out for the leader on the mountain trail at all times so you won't get left behind and so that the leader won't have to lug her outta-shape self back up the mountain to call and call and call until she knows you SEE her because she knows if she doesn't, your visually-impaired, GPS-less self won't have a clue how to get back down to the house because, granted, we haven't seen the trail in three months, which adds to the uncertainty of your location, and, yes, Kali, I'm talkin' to you, dear,

go for a swim because 50 degrees is SO much warmer than 5,

play one of Kali's favorite games, Oooohhhh... just a tiny nudge and my ball will roll back down the hill into the pond. AGAIN. So sorry to be gettin' my freshly-brushed self grungy, Mom. Heh, heh (yep, that's the whole game),

take a nap with Emma,

or play ball.

Of course, there's never enough time to play ball, if you ask Kali.


So when the ball throwin' is finished, it's time to put the ball up.

Kali's way.

That's okay. We're happy with mud noses (well, okay, happy may be a stretch), because we were tired of the white stuff. Hard to believe we haven't been fully thawed out a month yet.

Welcome, SPRING!

PS - Don't forget to check out The Jeffrey Journey, the reissue of Helen's book about their angel, Jeffrey! You can go here for order info (including CDs of the soothing original music written by Helen's mom, JoAnn Derden). There's also a new Facebook Fan page!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Oh, Happy Spring... and The Jeffrey Journey!

It's spring - officially, anyway - so we've said adios to the final souvenirs of our action-packed three months of winter bliss.

You can breathe now, guys

We know there's a very good possibility that there will be more white stuff before we dare put the snow shovel up, but at least we have hope that we are actually moving into another season. Here's a little proof.

Oh, wait - those aren't us; those are from Katie's recent photo trip to Phoenix - sorry!

Here's what some of the rest of us have been doing:

Sami celebrated her lucky 12th birthday with her usual charm.



Biggest news, besides the big thaw, is the reissue of The Jeffrey Journey!

It's currently available online thru (also in Kindle version), Barnes & Noble, and Milverstead Publishing.

A portion of the proceeds are earmarked for the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation, which is working tirelessly for research to squelch the devastation of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), the disease that affected our baby, Jeffrey (SMA is the leading genetic cause of death of children under two). More organizations will benefit in the future as well!

In addition, the book is available thru me as part of a package with CDs of my mother's lush original music!

(I have no idea why this is so small. It was a HUGE project!)

You can read more about Mom (alias JoAnn Derden) and listen to snippets of the music here.

Whew - that's a lotta hot links up there!